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UOP Logo Certificate Online
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Procedure to Apply for Certificate

  1. In order to apply for the Online Certificate, student first needs to create an account. This can be done by clicking on the ‘Create Account’link.
  2. Fill in all the fields on the form and click on the ‘Create Account’ button.
  3. Once Account has been successfully created, click on the ‘Finish and Proceed for Application System’ button.
  4. Next, please complete the Student Profile by clicking on the link ‘Profile’ in the left hand menu.
  5. After filling student profile form, click on ‘Save’ button.
  6. After successfully saving the profile, click on ‘Certificate Section’ link in the left hand menu.
  7. In Certificate Section, when you select your Certificate type, you will get Instructions (if any) for that particular certificate, then click on Proceed button.
  8. Fill Application Details and click on ‘Save’ button. After that click on Back button or click on ‘Certificate Section’ link in the left hand menu.
  9. Then, click on ‘Procced to Print’ button. It will show Upload Document page, Upload all required documents for the Certificate and click on ‘Save and Proceed’ button.
  10. In order to print click on ‘Print to Proceed’ button.
  11. The Payment Mode page will show up, select your Payment Mode and Bank type.
  12. Click on ‘Save and Print’ Button, and then click on Download Application and Download Challan.
    Both links will generate PDF files, save them and print them. It’s important that you submit both, the application and challan copy to the University.

Sr No. List of Online Application Professional Course Fee(In Rs.) Non-Professional Course Fee(In Rs.) Resolution Time
1 Duplicate Passing Certificate 160.00 120.00 30 Days
2 Duplicate Statement of Marks(Marksheet) 240.00 240.00 30 Days
3 External Transference Certificate -NA- As Applicable 30 Days
4 External Duplicate Reg. Card -NA- 100.00 30 Days
5 Certificate Attestation 80.00 55.00 8 Days
6 Certificate Verification 200.00 150.00 30 Days

For any Technical queries Email on :
Contact No:- (020) 71533633
(Managed By SPPU Edutech Foundation. For Online Service related Technical queries Only. Active On All Working Days between 10.30AM to 6.00 PM)

For any Administrative queries Email on :    Contact No:- (020) 25601207/25601217