Savitribai Phule Pune University

P. G. Admission Section

Contact Numbers for Communication

Officer Designation Contact No. 020-2562
Prof.(Dr.) Suresh Gosavi Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor -
Dr. Parag Kalkar Hon'ble Pro-Vice-Chancellor 1132 , 1136
Dr. Munjaji Rasve Deputy Registrar 1211
Vacant Assistant Registrar
Faculty of Humanities
Faculty of Commerce & Management
Smt. Ghube Aditi Section Officer
Vacant Assistant Section Officer 1222
Staff Ph. D. Subjects Contact No. 020-2562
Shri. Nitin Dhavan Ph. D. Admission Process 1226
Smt. Vaishnavi Nawathe Civil & Mechanical Engineering, Technology 1219
Shri. Anil Rathod Engineering (except Civil & Mechanical Engineering, Technology) 1216
Shri. Eknath Gabhale Electronic Science, Botany, Zoology, Geography, Health Science and Mathematics, Environmental Science 1220
Smt. Rupali Waghule Chemistry & Biochemistry, Atmospheric and Space Sciences, Geology & Physics 1221
Shri. Rameshwar Jadhav Pharmacy, Computer Science, Energy Studies, Basic Medical Science, Scientific Computing, Statistics and Instrumentation Science, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology & Microbiology 1204
Commerce & Management
Shri. Mahesh Mandlik Commerce 1218
Shri. Varsha Karote Management 1217
Smt. Bharti Patil English, Psychology, Law, Defense and Philosophy 1224
Shri. Vinod Gaikwad Marathi, Hindi, Sanskrit, Pali, Buddhist Literature, Foreign Language and Urdu 1223
Shri. Gajanan Bodade Economics, History, Politics and Sociology 1225
Inter-Disciplinary Studies
Smt. Vaishnavi NawatheEducation, Physical Education1219
Shri. Gajanan BodadeLibrary & Information Science, Communication & Journalism, Communication Studies, Life Long Learning, Social Work, Women and Gender Studies and Anthropology 1225
Shri. Vinod Gaikwad Fine Arts1223
All Subjects
Smt. Asha Jagtap Inward - Outward System, Transfer Certificate (University Campus regular students passed before 2018) 1205